Half a Sovereign by Ian Hay
It is the pitiable fate of Colonel Leslie Miles to find himself a reluctant member of a yachting cruise. His irritating travelling companions include (among others) a fussy, micro-managing leader; a cheating bridge enthusiast; a teenager with poor hygiene and a penchant for pranks; a gossip; a hobbyist; a would-be comic and a woman who is convinced that Miles must be madly in love with her. The journey advances painfully until there is a sudden and bizarre turning of tables.
Half a Sovereign is one of Ian Hay's less well-known novels written between the wars during his early years as a playwright. Though a rare volume, it is a good sample of the author's abilities as a humourist. Half a Sovereign is hilarious, surprising and quite satisfying.
This unabridged edition of Half a Sovereign by Ian Hay includes:
~ Annotations
~ An introductory note by the editor
~ A brief biography of the author
The body of this edition's text has not been abridged and is true to the form it took in 1926. All contributions by the editor are intended to make the book more accessible to the modern reader without resorting to alteration.